DEREXDEREXPrejudices and Welfare ChauvinismAnti-establishment attitudesRight-Wing Value OrientationFear - Distrust - Pessimism 2012/20132012/20132010/20112008/20092006/20072004/20052002/2003

Visualization of the DEREX Index

Political Capital designed the Demand for Right-Wing Extremism (DEREX) Index using its own theoretical model and data from the European Social Survey. DEREX measures the size of the group in a given country susceptible to far-right ideologies and political messages (the “attitude radicals”). A country’s DEREX score is determined by the rate of respondents who belong to at least three of the four categories (prejudices, anti-establishment attitudes, right-wing value orientation and fear, distrust and pessimism) all at once.

The index is visualized by a contiguous area cartogram. An area cartogram is a map in which thematic mapping variable is substituted for land area. Scaling the countries by their demand for right-wing extremism compensates the actual land size differences, placing the focus on the problematic regions.